Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Workplace well-being: designing a programme of physical and mental health

The current trend in HR and company culture is comfort of employees and quality of workplace. An…

Pets at the workplace? Things to bear in mind

Many companies try to attract new employees with non-traditional benefits that were not so common in…

Who else is my job made for?

When young people start working at a company where cultural laziness is the norm, becoming a high…

Five tips on adjusting working conditions so employees have more energy

Do you want the employees of your company to be as creative, hard-working and energetic as possible?…

Six pillars of satisfaction of employees at work

Having satisfied, productive and loyal employees is the dream of every HR specialist. As time…

Six tips for providing excellent support to customer service

In today's digital and mobile era, customer service is more important than ever: consumers have all…

Six personality types that are toxic for a working environment

Even the best talent is not able to give of their best if they dislike the working environment in…

Working environment and office design: trends for 2018

People, the world, and things around us are constantly changing and developing. Office design and…

Five signs of a toxic working environment

In order to give maximum performance, employees must feel as comfortable as possible at the…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 99