Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Dave Ulrich: 20 steps to effective leadership in organizations (Part 2/2)

In the first part of the article about Dave Ulrich's perspective on effective leadership, we…

Dave Ulrich: 20 steps to effective leadership in organizations (Part 1/2)

American consultant, speaker and professor at the University of Michigan, Dave Ulrich, is one of the…

Survey: Reporting CSR activities is becoming the norm

Three quarters of the world's leading companies regularly publish reports on their activities in the…

7 tips on how to grow in the eyes of job seekers

The new year has already started and you are still wondering what goals to set in the field of…

How to find the next Steve Jobs and what to offer him

How can your company find, develop and retain creative people with the potential to become the next…

How to choose the right HR metrics

Metrics are useful only when they measure things that matter. In HR, this means the necessity to…

Dell plans to let half of its employees work remotely

While Yahoo or Hewlett Packard are moving thousands of their employees from home offices back to …

Tips on meaningful gifts for employees

The end of the year is approaching, and so does the traditional question of which gifts to choose…

Corporate culture does not include only employee benefits

What would you answer if someone asks you why your corporate culture is great? If you only describe…

Listing 118 to 126 out of 195