Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Study: Global HR management trends in 2016

Significant changes in digital technologies, the speed of innovation and the demographic structure…

Best workers don't always have the best CVs

Job applicants who don't look too good on paper may be the best employees and who you should hire.…

Company pages (not only) on LinkedIn: Be different

Creating a company page on the professional social network LinkedIn is one of the most effective…

Get to know your colleagues through blind dates

Relationships with colleagues play an important role in overall employee satisfaction at work.…

How is your employer brand doing?

Companies which want to attract the best talent need strong employer brands. How is such a brand…

Talent management trends for 2016

In 2016, talent management will make changes regarding the approach to employee recruitment and…

Employer branding myths

Recently, there has been much discussion about the importance of employer branding, i. e. creating…

Do you want to improve morale? Shut your employees in coffins

Do you think that your corporate Christmas party was a bit boring this year? You may change your…

Catherine Sinclair in HRtv: Dynamics of workforce is changing. The result is work flexibilization

Catherine Sinclair, HR director of Plzeňský Prazdroj, was one of the participants in a panel…

Listing 73 to 81 out of 195