Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Marketing lessons for HR people

HR professionals and marketers now have a common battlefield: the Internet and social networks. More…

What you should know before making important decisions

Rozhodnout v klíčových situacích, které mohou citelně ovlivnit vaši práci či podnikání, je vždy…

Hootsuite: Benefits alone can't keep talent

The Hootsuite company was founded in 2008 when the Canadian programmer Ryan Holmes launched the…

What company culture is all about

Dont think that strategy is everything: the fact is that your company culture is even more…

How Facebook avoids the pitfalls of office politics

Personal ambition is a natural aspect of human nature, though it is not always to the benefit of a…

Do not confuse talent with compliance

Companies repeatedly talk about problems with acquiring and keeping the right "talent". They speak…

Work in HR is damned hard

Why do you want to work in HR? Many people answer this question by saying they love working with…

Diversity at the BBC: blind CVs are just the beginning

New employees of the British public TV and radio broadcaster BBC can expect to be asked whether they…

Corporate culture is no fun

Corporate culture has been a major topic in recent years. Large companies in business for many years…

Listing 64 to 72 out of 195