Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Study: Women on boards in 25 countries

When we look at the issue of increasing the number of women on the boards of companies, it is still…

Study: The Future of HR in 10 points

How the HR function in organizations will evolve in the next five to seven years will depend on the…

Survey: Reporting CSR activities is becoming the norm

Three quarters of the world's leading companies regularly publish reports on their activities in the…

Most demanded skills on LinkedIn in 2013

The LinkedIn professional social network has now more than 259 million users worldwide whose…

LinkedIn: Most common clichés in online CVs in 2013

The LinkedIn professional social network has now more than 259 million users worldwide who use it to…

Study: Using HR data in corporate business decisions

Only one in three companies uses the data obtained during recruitment or employee performance …

Study: Women, men and working conditions in Europe

Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working conditions. These are the main…

Study: What causes employee depression?

Many people think that the main cause of employees' poor mental state, which may lead to the…

Study: Engaged employees are missing worldwide

Only 13% of employees worldwide are "engaged" - that is to say psychologically committed to their…

Listing 100 to 108 out of 259