Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Company logo matters: Its shape affects how consumers perceive you (1/2)

You can use your logo in order to shape the perceptions of your customers, according to an article…

Facebook introduces payment via Messenger

Facebook announced last week that now we can send money directly to our Friends over Facebook…

Do not rely only on social media marketing

Facebook has limited the number of promotional posts people can see on business pages. Most social…

Four reasons to use user-generated content on social sites

The creation of regular content on social sites may be exhausting and, as time goes by, short on…

Content marketing in a slightly different way

Content marketing is an excellent tool for maintaining customers' attention. In return, they will…

The best way to use LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn has become an essential networking and marketing tool for business professionals.…

Create a viral campaign in five steps

Do you want to make your campaign content go viral? Server Inc.com published a few tips how to do…

Dangers of using big data

The increasingly used term "big data" refers to such a large collection of data that the volume is …

6 tips you can learn from the "Ice Bucket Challenge"

The viral campaign the "Ice Bucket Challenge" has been spreading throughout the Internet. The person…

Listing 91 to 99 out of 297