Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Distress encourages invention and creativity

Currently, there is a quote that's going around the internet about creativity in crisis. It is most…

7 trends in marketing that you should start following this year

The digital marketing industry is constantly evolving as customer habits and requirements change and…

Google Analytics: 3 recommendations for e-shops

Would you like to start using Google Analytics to the fullest? You could write a book trying to…

How to close a deal with a client remotely even in uncertain times

In the area of ​​sales and negotiations, uncertainty and fear have spread due to the coronavirus and…

Is reading your marketing messages worth your customers' time?

When you take out commuting, going to the gym and attending various events with friends and family,…

20 marketing recommendations for e-commerce during the coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus continues to affect retail, so there is no choice but to review your activities and…

Empathy in marketing teams is rising, efficiency is dropping, UK study says

Empathy is growing as team members become closer each other during the coronavirus crisis. On the…

Why does your business need a B2B social media strategy?

Getting closer to the customer is the mantra of all salespeople nowadays, and its importance will…

Social Selling, or how to get a bigger piece of the pie

Are you active on social media but not achieving the business results you want? Here are six basic…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 213