Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Rejection is nothing but feedback

The Fortune 500 Insiders Network is an online community that brings together senior executives of…

Investment that pays off: Getting rid of digital distractions (1/2)

Say youre working at your computer with your smartphone on the desk. The phone gives a sound alert…

Negotiating with difficult people: Persuade them with 3 types of phrases

Communicating with some people is simply difficult and it does not matter whether they are your…

Work can burn you out and bore you to death

Burnout is a well-known term. It is a psychological condition of exhaustion caused by chronic…

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (2/2)

In the previous article, based on material published on the mckinsey.com website, we explored some…

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (1/2)

An increasingly advanced technological and digital landscape (especially mobile connectivity and…

Curiosity about cultural differences: When does curiosity go too far?

We need to encourage ourselves to get outside our comfort zones without making others uncomfortable.…

Are ethical people abusive? Sometimes

Research conducted by Russell Johnson of Michigan State University, who is an expert on the…

Getting your point across: Do people seem not to be listening to you?

Why can people not get their point of view across? Sometimes they just push too hard in their…

Listing 622 to 630 out of 1005