Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (2/2)

In the previous article, based on material published on the mckinsey.com website, we explored some…

Curiosity about cultural differences: When does curiosity go too far?

We need to encourage ourselves to get outside our comfort zones without making others uncomfortable.…

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (1/2)

An increasingly advanced technological and digital landscape (especially mobile connectivity and…

Are ethical people abusive? Sometimes

Research conducted by Russell Johnson of Michigan State University, who is an expert on the…

Getting your point across: Do people seem not to be listening to you?

Why can people not get their point of view across? Sometimes they just push too hard in their…

Do not sink into groupthink

Every boss feels good when subordinates agree with him. However, if you are a good boss, you should…

Deepak Chopra on how to manage a bad boss

All of us meet people who are difficult to get along with throughout our lives. We soon learn to…

Your attitude influences the success of your team

Your mood and your verbal and nonverbal behavior have a powerful impact on your colleagues. Caroline…

High performance: We need honesty at workplace

High performance exists only within a particular context. A gold medal sprinter's performance could…

Listing 631 to 639 out of 1010