Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The deadly sins of recruitment: Which one are you guilty of?

Pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth. These are the so-called Deadly Sins as defined…

Employee referrals need greater flexibility

Last year, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) issued recommendations for companies on…

Leadership should not be taught in classrooms, but tried in practice

Research shows that leadership development will be one of the top strategic priorities of companies…

Do you lack talent? It's your own fault

Recruiting is like fishing. You can make excuses for a lack of fish but the real problem is where…

Modern trends in talent measurement: Psychology and the Internet

When evaluating talent for the purposes of recruitment or employee development, you need to answer…

How to turn job hoppers into loyal employees

We recently wrote about why job hopping may not be a bad thing, but an advantage for both job…

Myths and facts: How to develop young talents

Do you think that the youngest generation of employees, the so-called Generation Y, prefers online…

Study: Talents want to meet managers, not recruiters

The professional social network LinkedIn announced the results of the second year of its study…

"Buddy system" in recruiting top talent

Do you have problems with motivating a great potential employee to work for you? There are many…

Listing 82 to 90 out of 246