Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Tips on how to cope with failure in sales

Failure has always been inherent to business. However, if you are able to overcome disappointment…

Back to basics: Eight essential rules of successful sales

Though you must keep learning, follow modern trends and adjust your processes according to the…

Are you new to sales? Here are seven basic pieces of advice for you

If you are new to sales, you are lucky that you can lean on time-proven techniques and methods that…

3 tips on how to address prospective clients who have already rejected you once

The fact that a prospect rejects you once doesn't mean that they will reject you forever. This is…

Five psychological tricks that will help you sell better

A successful salesperson must be able to detect human emotion, to communicate, to emphasize and to…

Are you facing a drop in sales? 5 things you must start doing now

 No business representative can avoid drops in sales from time to time. But this doesn't mean that…

Several sales tips for start-ups

Sales representatives of new companies and start-ups are often uncomfortable about the idea of…

Some basic advice on B2B selling

B2B, or business-to-business, refers to a type of selling whereby a business representative sells…

Characteristics of a top salesperson of the 21st century

 The sales world has changed significantly in the past several years, businesspeople are getting…

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