Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The „SPIN“ selling method: what is it, and how does it work?

There are many selling methods and systems. Some only work in very specific situations, some are…

Learn to write e-mails that engage prospective clients

There are a number of ways of approaching a prospect. One of the statistically less successful ways…

How do you sell an expensive product?

Sales techniques differ very much if you are selling the cheapest product in its category or if you…

Four types of people you encounter in B2B sales

B2B sales is specific in many ways. One of the things that makes it different from B2C is that…

Five steps towards long-term success in business

What makes successful business people different from the unsuccessful? Closing a big deal happens…

Tips on how to make a follow-up call after you made an offer

No matter the field you work in, your sales cycle is most likely similar to all the others. The…

What should you do if you haven't been doing well in sales for a long time?

Every salesperson can have a bad season. Often, the market can be partially blamed, or a change that…

Five lessons from Jeff Bezos, the richest person on the planet

If we were to say that someone's life reminds you of the ideal American dream, it would definitely…

Taking a risk is a necessity, but you must know how to do it

People who are scared of taking risks, and so never do can only reach mediocre success in business.…

Listing 244 to 252 out of 665