Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

About to manage a new team? Four steps you should take as soon as possible

Every team is different. Each one consists of various members, works on something slightly different…

A subordinate with too big an ego? Some tips on managing such a person effectively

Managing someone who is always right (according to them), who has a problem with authority and an…

Five traits of a successful leader

What does a successful leader look like? Someone who is capable of motivating, leading and inspiring…

Challenges new managers face and how to overcome them

No matter how many books you read before being promoted to manager, at the beginning you will…

Five traits no manager can do without

What makes a good manager? What are the characteristics of someone who is able to get the best out…

What a management style that leads to the success of the whole team looks like

There are many different management styles and every manager can choose the one that suits them.…

How to recognise if you are a micromanager: four tell-tale signs

Few managers would willingly admit to being a micromanager. Not even those who really are as they…

"Situational leadership": what it is and why you too should learn it

The term "situational leadership" has been much used recently in texts about leadership and manuals…

Managing a team during uncertain times: effective leadership in a crisis

A crisis may affect different teams differently. For a sales team, it might be a drop in sales, for…

Listing 91 to 99 out of 947