Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Six tips to increase the loyalty of your subordinates

Every manager should do their best to promote the satisfaction and loyalty of subordinates. Loyal,…

Five tips on leading a diverse team made up of different types of people

Diversity is desirable in any team. The more opinions, approaches and members of different…

Do you lack healthy self-confidence? Three tips on developing it

One thing is clear: a manager who is short of self-esteem either cannot be a manager at all or will…

Do you have these six essential personality traits of a successful manager?

Not everyone can be a manager: it requires a specific set of personality traits. But the good news…

Four tips on how to emit positive energy towards subordinates

One of the key tasks of any manager is to emit positive energy towards their subordinates. It is the…

Four reasons why introverts can make good managers

You most likely imagine a manager as an extroverted person who enjoys giving public speeches,…

Five steps to ensure you recruit the right people for your team

Choosing a new team member is always hard, and not only because of the current situation on the job…

What is meant by a manager being on autopilot and why you must avoid this

What does the phrase "on autopilot" mean with regard to managers? What does stagnation in team…

Five tips on winning over a team as their new manager

Becoming the manager of an existing, established team is not easy. The team already has its…

Listing 73 to 81 out of 947