Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Chief Digital Officers: About the role (1/2)

Digital is an integral part of strategy. Digital is a new way of doing things. You do not need to…

Are you a professional speaker? Even if not, an effective close is still important

You want them to sign up for a programme. Or you want them to make a sale, or grant a loan. Maybe…

Leadership coaching: Why it is vital to keep the momentum going

According to research conducted by business psychologist Doug MacKie, there was a significant…

Nobody is smarter than everybody: How technology redefines power

Generally speaking, power has a bad reputation. Social scientists define power, achievement, and…

Stop talking about accountability. Be accountable

You don’t want your employees to hide mistakes? Then you must set a positive example of…

10 skills of emotionally intelligent leaders

A leader who really wants others to follow him can't be a tyrant or a grouch. He must be pleasant…

Conflicts resolution: When to negotiate and when not

How to resolve conflicts? There are only three approaches, according to the management.about.com …

Unconscious bias and diversity: Fight the former, promote the latter

Imagine being the only marketer in a room full of engineers or the only Czech in a team of Russians.…

3 tips for more professional and persuasive presentations

We all have seen how a speaker can be the loneliest person in the world when he is sitting behind a…

Listing 667 to 675 out of 947