Manager – management news

Some travel tips for managers going on a business trip

A team manager's work occasionally involves travelling: sometimes alone, sometimes with colleagues, sometimes with subordinates. What is the best way to organise…

Five tips on networking

What does "networking" mean? It is all about building relationships and…

First impressions matter: five tips on introducing yourself in a captivating way

Having a successful management career requires mastering the art of…

Every successful leader needs a quality network of contacts

No leader or aspiring manager can achieve long-term success without a…

Six tips on how not to be nervous when addressing an audience

Few people by nature have no problem speaking to a group of people, whether…

Are you lost "inside the box"?

The expression "think outside the box" essentially means looking at things…

Five archetypes of top management behaviour in the approach to sustainability

The question of sustainable development depends very much depends on the…

What should conference and event organisers prepare for in the future?

We may never return to the pre-pandemic world of conferences, trade shows…

Useful tips for online networking from managers and CEOs

Social distancing over the last year has thrown many people into their own…

McKinsey: 2021 will be a year of transition (2/2)

In recent months, due to the pandemic, we have had the opportunity to…

McKinsey: 2021 will be a year of transition (1/2)

In recent months, due to the pandemic, we have had the opportunity to…

Seven questions to ask yourself before starting a business

You don't have to be a millionaire to develop a business. Much more…

Germany plans to introduce the right to distance work

Germany continues to plan to give all employees the legal right to work…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 587