Manager – management news

Gather more actionable feedback from your customers

The more you know about the wants and needs of your target audience, the more you can do in order to achieve higher sales.

Global impact: Coronavirus and supply chains (2/2)

The previous article described how some companies have risk management…

Global impact: Coronavirus and supply chains (1/2)

Empty shelves at grocery stores and shortages of essential supplies. This…

A clear route to starting your business

In order to save you some brain capacity, here is a short guide on how to…

Investigations by the regulator (2/2): Insiders should refrain from trading

The previous article showed that an SEC investigation can be quite…

Investigations by the regulator (1/2): An opportunity for insider trading

In 2016 there was a legal ruling in the USA in which the court held that a…

Achieve the maximum with your B2B newsletters

The key is to provide value in your newsletters. But how do you craft a…

What do remarkably successful businesses have in common?

There are certain things that successful businesses have in common … Is…

Family firms (2/2): How private equity can help a family firm

Why would a family firm want to partner with investors? Because it can…

Family firms (1/2): European family firms are good at institutionalisation

Most founders of a family business want to build a firm that will last for…

The case of Tesla (2/2): Key questions remain

The previous article offered possible explanations for what is going on…

The case of Tesla (1/2): What has happened?

A look at the Tesla stock price chart will reveal dramatic volatility. The…

Managing creativity (2/2): A two-step process

The previous article described the first two major sources of dynamics…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 587