Manager – management news

Poorly handled Q&A session? Don't let this happen to you

Q&A session is quite often a low point of the presentation. Among other presentation elements, such as the opening, stories, demonstrations and the closing, this…

Networking for SMEs: Check your industry well

Regardless of how much attention is devoted to social media and…

5 tips on how to quickly and gracefully end a conversation

Social gatherings, meetings of professionals, conferences and similar…

New technology game changers: Place your bets right

Can we separate the wheat from the chaff and predict which new inventions…

An oil-based economy: In Saudi Arabia, a challenging transformation is ahead

The economy of Saudi Arabia grew during last decade, primarily thanks to…

What you think wong about China

Chinas reform initiatives which were have been in place since 2013 are in…

Political power pays: Case of Denmark

A research done by a correspondent of the website…

How to make a presentation engaging?

In November the colours of leaves shift from green to gold, red and orange.…

Make your presentation attractive to different personality types

Lets use the MBTI distinction between people with sensing and intuitive…

How not to spoil a corporate Christmas party for yourself and others

The season of corporate Christmas parties is upon us. On the one hand, we…

Last-minute presentations: How to survive (2/2)

The website prepared a series of tips applicable…

Online meetings and webinars: Make them pay attention to you

Webinars are cursed. Everyone firmly believes that others are answering…

How to write Christmas cards for business partners

Not so long ago, we sent our clients and business partners paper Christmas…

Listing 365 to 377 out of 587