Media crisis in practice

Something went wrong and the media happened to out about it. Try the following 10 steps in order not to get surprised in a similar situation:

1. Plan

Do not underestimate the preparation and prepare a crisis communication plan. Negative information can have a major influence and media love scandals and problems, therefore, they pay close attention to them.

2. Prepare for a visit

The media will either come to your headquarters, or preferably directly to the exact location of the crisis. Where will you communicate with them - outside, or will you invite them to the meeting room and arrange a press conference?

3. Prepare for questions

Will your appointed spokes person be able to answer detailed questions?

Rather than relying on the senior management, who will be busy solving the problematic situation, you had better have one good spokes person that can handle any interview.

4. Consider setting up a special line

If you really have a big problem to solve, create a special telephone number for communication with the media. The other lines will be busy enough as a result of dealing with the crisis.

5. Explain the problem

Put it in the context of other events. Prepare background printed information for journalists to hand out to them.

6. Act fast

Silence in this situation does not pay. Even if it is not clear how extensive the problem, promptly publicly express some statement. The later you respond, the more the public will stand against you. You will lose even the small island of solid ground that you had at the first sign of the problem.

7. Allocate tasks before a problem occurs

Ensure that PR is fully equipped for crisis communication. Everyone should know their role in case the phones start ringing. Everything has to start working immediately if a problem occurs.

8. Do not be a slave to your crisis plan

Every crisis is different, so adjust the media crisis plan as needed.

9. Beware of social media

Appoint specific people to communicate on social media. Any speculation spreads quicker there and "classical" media use such information. That is why this part of the communication is so important.

10. Everything must go smoothly

Can you arrange all this within a few minutes, or at least before the next daily news are on air? Don't allow the media to speculate and exaggerate.



Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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