8 tricks of most successful salespeople


Some salespeople can do miracles. They don't push you into buying, they just make you to want something really badly. How do they do that and why some of them are so good?

  1. They dump slow prospects. They rather quickly convince the easily convincible ones, and the rest of the time they care for the best clients.
  2. They know they cannot please everyone. They respect the rules 80/20, ie. that 80% of the commission is from 20% of clients, and they act accordingly.
  3. They stay ahead of clients. They know the client well and monitor their industry. Accordingly, they identify new opportunities even before the customer is aware of them.
  4. They promise less, and deliver more. Low expectations lead to a better customer experience.
  5. They let the customer sell. They don't convince anyone. They just ask questions that lead the client to determine that the product is absolutely essential for them.
  6. They mimic the customer. They notice the prospect's favorite adjectives and start using them. This way they are more likely to raise positive emotions.
  7. They adjust their position throughout negotiations. At the beginning of the negotiations, the best sales people put themselves in a slightly subordinate position to the client. Gradually they raise their position to finish a little higher and get slightly dominant. A potential customer will then listen better to suggestions from the such sales person.
  8. They get customers to say "no." Most salespeople are trying to make potential customers repeatedly say "yes." But that reduces the value and meaning of this word. However, if they say "no" to a number of alternatives, and then at the next option they will say "yes," they will probably stick to it.



Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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