Články o Hards Skills

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Employee engagement surveys: What to do to keep your employees engaged

There has been a lot of focus on employee engagement in recent years. More and more companies conduct employee engagement surveys. Some of them use their own know-how, while others hire professionals in the field of psychometric testing. However, even the best and most expensive expert or…

How to start measuring the effectiveness of employee training

What can't be measured, does not exist. This rule, originally applied only…

Take part in the largest global coaching study

The International Coach Federation (ICF) invites coaches from around the…

When you should hire a career coach

Career coaching provides assistance with career development and finding…

To tell, or not to tell?

Should a particular employee know that you see them as a high potential and…

HR vs. HR vendors: How to reach a better cooperation

The relationship between HR professionals and vendors of products and…

Tips for coaching beginners: How to get rid of uncertainty

Today we have a question for coaches: How much do you believe in yourself?…

Listing 105 to 117 out of 274