Články o Hards Skills

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to choose the right LMS

Selecting the most appropriate learning management system (LMS) for your organisation is no simple task.The choice should always be based on the company's specific training needs, as well as its budget and time limitations. Practical tips on how to choose the right LMS were published on…

Unnecessary mistakes new coaches make

Every beginning involves mistakes. Some of them are inevitable, but very…

14 faces of internal training

Internal employee development has several advantages in comparison to…

What should you offer overqualified employees?

We can see cases of overqualified workers or job seekers all around us. For…

Study: Neuroscience in HR and employee development

Neuroscience is a scientific discipline focused on studying the brain and…

Succession management in five steps

If you only know the process of "succession planning" in connection with…

Training evaluation: Getting half-way just isn't good enough

Training evaluation: Getting half-way just isn't good enough

There is a serious problem related to corporate training sessions –…

Listing 131 to 143 out of 274