Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Four tips on leading a multigenerational team

A team that is diverse, even in the generational sense of the word, is a strong one. However,…

Four simple changes to increase team productivity

Do you want to boost your team’s productivity? Do you sense you and your team have not yet reached…

The Eisenhower Principle: how it can help you streamline your organisation and work planning

Efficient work planning is key to the success of both individuals and entire teams. An ideal way to…

Five tips for building a positive attitude toward change in your team

As technology is constantly evolving, so too are the expectations of clients and employees. We live…

The 10-10-10 rule: what it is and how it can help you lead people

If you want to make better and faster decisions, work rationally and be a better leader, you should…

Need to return to the office? Four tips on making it as easy as possible for the team

The post-Covid boom of home office is slowly but surely fading. Many employers whose staff do office…

Some tips on being more productive thanks to effective time management

A good manager manages both their team and their time well. Good time management is not only the…

Five tips for dealing with a bad mood in your team

A friendly atmosphere and comfortable working environment are the foundations of team productivity.…

Four tips on preventing burnout in subordinates

Burnout: the great (but often hidden) enemy of performance and good mood at the workplace,…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 927