Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Some simple steps to help subordinates balance their personal and professional lives

Work-life balance is a topic currently being widely discussed, often in connection with remote…

How to build a new habit in five steps

Do you have good ideas and noble plans to change your habits and improve your life, but are unable…

A dream team that overcomes all obstacles: advice on creating it

Today's fast-paced times demand a high level of adaptability, flexibility and resilience from both…

Time management: four most essential tips for managers

The ability to organise one's own time is one of the most basic skills of any manager. If you are…

Do not work harder, but smarter. What does this actually mean in practice?

Professional and self-development literature often suggests that higher productivity and career…

Expanding your team? Five things to bear in mind

Having the opportunity to expand your team is usually good news: it means the team is doing well, or…

Good reasons for letting subordinates "slack off" from time to time

The ideal worker is one who works efficiently and constantly. Is this really true? This article will…

Five common mistakes in managing people remotely

The Covid experience gave rise to a new phenomenon: remote working. Today, countlessly more people…

Learn finally to set up your goals so that you truly achieve them

If you have ever read any tips on productivity, career success and work planning, you may well have…

Listing 10 to 18 out of 915