Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Five essential elements of a winning team (1/2)

You have been guaranteed investment for a well-designed business model. What could possibly go…

Hardships and betrayal: Don’t regret. Get ahead

Life is the longest journey you’ll ever take. Only death is longer than life. So until you…

Overcoming procrastination

From time to time we all have a tendency to put things off; for some people, however,…

Your brain is programmed to procrastinate. What can you do about it?

It's now the second half of summer. Many of us are already back from vacations and the idea that we…

Delegating sins: 5 mistakes managers make

The American research-based consulting company Gallup studied 143 CEOs of top companies that are…

3 signs of a time management problem – and what to do about it

Being able to manage our time is one of the most important skills to have. Most people dont give…

Vacation does not mean being on the phone

Have you resolved not to deal with work-related e-mails and phone calls during your summer vacation?…

Implementing a culture of innovation

Acknowledge that mindsets will have to shift. Start by accepting that your company culture must…

Talent does not exist, success requires practice

Everybody sometimes wonders why we have not become top scientists, artists, athletes or world-class…

Listing 361 to 369 out of 916