Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How exceptional bosses think

The best managers understand the workplace, the company and the teams that work there in a…

Do not worry about public speaking

Many people are scared by the idea of being a lonely speaker in front of an audience. It is…

Presentation skills: Inspiration from Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is rightly known as a master of presentation skills. In his public presentations, he…

Brian Tracy: How to become a better public speaker

The only way to improve your public speaking is practice. It would not hurt you, however, to…

Finding a mentor

A mentor can help you in any stage of your career but how and where to find the right one? Whether…

Human side of project management

Project management is not just a matter of professional knowledge and skills but also a matter of…

Time Management: Attention is more important than time

How to learn to better manage time so that we accomplish what we shold accomplish and everybody is…

Management skills for leading innovation

It sounds simple: Organizations that want to be innovative must encourage innovative thinking of…

How to stand out and succeed

Most managers tend to help others succeed - employees, clients or…

Listing 1000 to 1008 out of 1044