Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Lower budget for your project? Never mind!

The situation when you lose a part of the budget for your project is nothing special today. Read the…

Brian Tracy: How to better balance your life

If we want to achieve better balance and simplify our life, we have to start by setting our own…

100 slides in 20 minutes

You all must have seen it - a speaker constantly switching from one slide to another in order to go…

Where are your sales people losing their time?

Good time management is one of the basic prerequisites of successful sales people's work. If you do…

Brian Tracy: Project management step by step

"Project management is a learnable skill, like riding a bicycle. It can be divided into a series of…

Stop doing more things at the same time

Do you answer e-mails during conference calls or even phone calls? Do you carry your notebook to…

Involve Kaizen in Project Management

The term Kaizen comes from Japanese, meaning constant improvement. In terms of management, it is a…

How to prepare the visual side of your presentation

A picture is said to be worth a thousand words. The human brain really receives visual information…

What does your presentation lack?

Public presentations are a potentialy strong way to promote your organization, your work or…

Listing 1009 to 1017 out of 1044