Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What are the most common mistakes when giving presentations?

1. You do not let others help you If you have problems with any of the following points, let…

Project management and business analysis trends in 2012

What lies ahead for the fileds of project management (PM) and business analysis (BA) in 2012?…

Each project should be based on questions

A good project manager can ask questions. He knows that with clear and detailed answers he can…

Learn to read your audience

A good speaker carefully monitors the audience, listens and adapts to its needs during his speech.…

Scope of a Project Manager role

There is frequent friction between project and other managers, and even between project managers and…

Warning signs of project failure

Even previously isolated departments (eg IT) or remote teams can collaborate on joint projects.…

Unnecessary mistakes in business plans

To write a good business plan you should know the basic assumption of business planning - it is not…

10 questions for change managers

Implementing profound changes in established companies is one of the most difficult managerial…

What ensures success of a project?

The ultimate success of a project is influenced by many of factors. Some of them are, however,…

Listing 1027 to 1035 out of 1044