Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Forget about forgetting

"I wanted to do it, but I forgot." That i sthe second most stupid excuse for poor time management…

10 key parts of a project plan

Every project plan includes at least ten sub-plans every project manager had to count with. One of…

No more procrastination

Do you often postpone your duties and even other people have already noticed it? Then you have to do…

How to get rid of stress and reach success

The worst barriers to success are those that we place on ourselves. These are typically long-term…

Biggest mistakes in time management

The most common mistake of time management lies in strict adherence to the to do lists. It sounds…

When to throw your project risk management plan away

Projects of any size should involve a risk management plan. In practice, however, these plans are…

How to prepare for a meeting with the CEO

Meeting with the CEO is a big and important event for starting managers. Senior managers  have…

How to dress for public speaking

Whether you like it or not, public speaking entails the need to dress properly. If you stand on…

Stand-up meetings save time and energy

Many companies still struggle with long boring meetings that are ultimately not beneficial for…

Listing 1018 to 1026 out of 1044