Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Technology, influence and young workers: Connecting the dots (2/2)

In the previous article, based on material published on the mckinsey.com website, we explored some…

3 tips to retain your best employees

When setting and reviewing performance goals for individuals, tell them what these goals mean to the…

What to do when your employee asks for more money

"I want more money." That's a request you can hear from the mouths of top performers as well as…

Managers make the same mistakes over and over again

The majority of employees can motivate themselves. Unfortunately, their managers often cause them to…

Brian Tracy: Get your team to its peak performance

Effective managers are action-oriented. When there is a good idea, they are quick to implement it…

Don't remain silent during performance reviews

The time for performance evaluations is here again. You are going to have an interview with your…

Should you accept a take-it-or-leave-it job offer?

Take-it-or-leave-it job offers seem to be quite frequent. When it comes to salary negotiation, firms…

Are gender differences in fact power differences?

In a new job, do men and women differ in whether they accept the first salary offered or attempt to…

Teach your people how to receive feedback

Managers are often criticized because of their unwillingness to provide feedback. Many managers,…

Listing 82 to 90 out of 199