Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

A manager's role in employee onboarding

The first days at a new job are usually accompanied by a variety of concerns. A new employee is…

Why presentations are (not) good?

On average, it is estimated that up to 350 presentations are delivered every second of every day.…

Show your people that you care

A leader who avoids personal connections with his employees is making a huge mistake. If you are…

How to manage an employee who drives you crazy

No manager can always have a team made up of his best friends. This is often not even desirable.…

3 things that makes you a better manager (or not?)

Being a manager that focuses on his team and hopes to gain their trust and respect, is never easy.…

Why you should be straight with your employees

The average person tells four lies a day. That is about 1,460 false statements per year. The most…

"Peter is doing a better job"; or, how to demoralise your staff

Just as our parents drilled into us from childhood, likewise with employees it is better first to…

Can you tell if an employee wants to leave?

Do you think you can identify an employee who is about to leave you based on the fact they take more…

What body language says about your intentions

If you wish to have a multitude of business partners and clients or have the respect of your…

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