Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Be the bodyguard of your team

Do you imagine a bodyguard as burly man in black, who, in extreme cases, gives his life fulfilling…

What is hurting your (self)presentations

"Pitch." Have you ever heard this English word? Do not even search for it in the dictionary. Its…

Would you like to get promoted? Become a narcissist

When you think you are better than others and you follow your goals and do not lack self-confidence,…

A few steps to greater respect

Would you like the people around you to show you more respect? Then you should start caring less …

How to use time effectively during meetings

Some companies have completely abandoned the idea of holding regular meetings and plan them only to…

Beat your "inner impostor" and start to trust yourself

Are you successful and yet still feel that you do not deserve the benefits your career or personal…

Attention, the new boss is coming...

Count down for the working days of your previous boss is finished and his place is being taken by a…

(Un)written rules for managing business calls (Part 2)

In the previous part of our two-part series, we began, with the help of The Daily Muse website, to…

(Un)written rules for managing business calls (Part 1)

Just as there are certain principles for e-mails and personal meetings, likewise business and…

Listing 856 to 864 out of 1137