Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Leadership: Where to begin?

To be a leader you do not need the word "leader" in the title of your job. What you need is to learn…

Boost your charisma

Charisma is a kind of personal charm that attracts the attention of others and energizes and…

Why support your employees' side projects?

In the past, it used to be a matter of course that when an employee signed an employment contract,…

How to lay the foundations of your startup's corporate culture

Maybe you think a startup should not define any company culture or standards at the outset. This…

Tips for young managers with older subordinates

You were promoted because you met all the necessary managerial requirements. You might have already…

Project management: Do you know what you are doing?

You have been assigned a new project but cannot orientate very well in it. Or you have already been…

A project manager's weekly bread

Some time ago, we published an article titled Project manager's daily bread. It was based on…

Employee engagement is more than happiness

A study last year by Gallup entitled State of the Global Workplace, which examined the engagement of…

Eliminate the most destructive emotion in your team - envy

If envy were tangible, it would look like a boomerang. This is because it is one of the most self-…

Listing 847 to 855 out of 1137