Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Company blogging (1/2): Collaboration and guest posting

Blogging is an excellent tool for building relationships. Use your company blog and social accounts…

How to persist when all seems bleak

What to do if everything just seems to be working against you?

Do you negotiate incentive programmes with the public sector?

Incentives offer huge cost reductions to companies; however, the devil is in the detail. Above all,…

Can CFOs stop hindering innovation?

Innovation provides a competitive edge for a company; however, a CFO sees things differently. From a…

Content marketing in 2019: How to do it right (2/2)

The previous article offered some recommendations for the new year. Now let’s take a look at some…

Content marketing in 2019: How to do it right (1/2)

Technologies will continue to reshape how marketing is done. Marketers who master new available…

Will Apple survive? (2/2)

The previous article described what is happening at Apple. Now we will see how the company stands in…

Will Apple survive? (1/2)

Speculation and doubt are often heard nowadays in connection with Apple. Recently the company…

Negotiating in tense situations (2/2): Be proactive

The previous article, using the pharma industry as an example, described how a lack of time can lead…

Listing 100 to 108 out of 587