Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Lose your professional reputation on LinkedIn in 5 steps

More than 400 million people, including 934,000 Czechs, have their profiles on the LinkedIn social…

Work can burn you out and bore you to death

Burnout is a well-known term. It is a psychological condition of exhaustion caused by chronic…

"It's a waste of time" and other networking myths

Networking often causes fear and disgust. "In my 20 years of teaching about how to build and use…

Stuck with a bad presentation? How to save yourself

You should always avoid showing someone else's slides when you are interested in the success and…

Health informatics: Careers dedicated to improving patient care

The aim of this field is to improve patient care and create better healthcare solutions.…

Recognize when to communicate with power or warmth

Do you think that power boost persuasiveness? Well, effective persuasion sometimes comes from less…

Persuasive presenting: Make it personal

If your goal is to deliver a relevant message to the people in your audience, you must be sure that…

How millionaires think differently from you

American Peter Voogd, author of the best-seller 6 Months to 6 Figures, really reached a six-figure…

Conferences worth attending? Content, speakers, breakout sessions

A survey on the smartblogs.com website tracks feedback from more than 210,000 business leaders. The…

Listing 343 to 351 out of 587