Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Dave Ulrich's new book - HR from the Outside In

One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR business…

Role of HR in small and medium-sized enterprises

Human resource management plays a crucial role in long-term performance of small and medium-sized…

3 steps to strategic HR management

Do you decide on the HR management issues with regard to the value your proposals bring to your…

Transforming HR - who, what how and why

How to build a model of successful HR transformation in an organization? What values to follow and…

Beware of the succession planning miskates

Succession planning is one of the current HR management priorities especially in large companies. In…

Can HR be agile?

The concept of agile HR is based on the popular concept of agile software development, the…

Career management Michelin style

"Paternalistic" approach to career management giving employees a very limited control over their…

What does HR transformation involve?

What specifically does HR transformation mean, what problems does it include and how can we learn…

European HR Barometer 2012

The seventh annual Aon Hewitt's study called HR Barometer showed that European HR leaders managed…

Listing 100 to 108 out of 117