Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Tips for recruiters: four ways to overcome a bad period

In the life of a salesperson, moments naturally occur from time to time when things are not going so…

Four things candidates find most interesting in job offers

On the one hand it is true that the unemployment rate is the lowest in the last fifteen years and…

Five ways to surpass your competition in recruitment

The recruitment of quality workers is something that concerns many HR specialists, managers and…

Who else is my job made for?

When young people start working at a company where cultural laziness is the norm, becoming a high…

Five trends in recruitment for 2019

As 2018 draws to a close, we can look at the trends that most likely await us in the year ahead.

What are the advantages of working parents?

Many HR specialists prefer recruiting young childless employees because they seemingly have no…

Why employer branding is so important

Employer branding is about how your company promotes itself in order to attract talent. It is your…

How to get an old school salesperson on a par with younger colleagues

There is power in diversity within a team. If you succeed in combining within one sales team younger…

Four signals that a candidate is not telling you the whole truth

A job candidate should always be honest with you. However, if someone really wants the job or feels…

Listing 136 to 144 out of 785