Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Four stupid questions salespeople often ask prospects but should be avoided

Asking the right questions is essential in order to interact efficiently with prospects, given that…

Sentences and phrases that salespeople should avoid

A salesperson needs to pay close attention to every word they say when talking to a prospect. Action…

You can only sell by appealing to feelings: Tips on how to engage prospects on an emotional level

Making an impression on the client on an emotional level is a key task of a salesperson. Though most…

How to help your prospect overcome the status quo using the question „Why“?

The status quo and routine are enemies of sales. Both on the part of clients and salespeople as…

5 ways to show a B2B prospect you respect them and thus earn their trust

Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it's surprising how many sales…

Do you want to earn trust of a prospective customer? Eight tips on how to do that

Building rapport is one of the crucial tasks of every salesperson. Whatever the quality of the…

Three best phrases to initiate a B2B sales meeting

In many cases the result of a business meeting is decided in the very first few minutes of the…

When a prospect says that they need to think the offer through. What should you do next?

This a frequent way the prospect rejects the offer of a salesperson without saying it openly. Saying…

What not to ask: Questions you should not ask during a sales meeting

Suitable questions are important for the success of a business meeting, but it is equally important…

Listing 10 to 18 out of 381