Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Three ways to reply when a prospect says they're not interested

What sales rep has not gone through this experience? You approach a prospective client, they request…

4 things you can never say to a client

 The relationship between a client and a salesperson has its rules, and if you want to look …

Create a sense of urgency in a prospect using ten smart questions

A salesperson must offer a prospect a solution to a specific, current problem, but how do you make…

The initial 10 seconds of meeting with a client are crucial. Four tips on how to use them best

The beginning of a meeting often determines its course. Without exaggerating too much, we can say…

Do you want to close a deal with a prospect? You must have the meeting under control at all times

There are many reasons why you, the salesperson, should take the control of the meeting with a…

In order to close a a deal with a client, you must gain their trust. Five tips on how to do that

It seems simple. If the client does not trust you, he or she will most likely not buy from you.…

How to avoid giving the impression of a pushy salesperson, and seem like a professional consultant that clients can trust

Clients often subconsciously see salespeople as unethical, using methods such as pressure, lying,…

5 ways to show a prospective client you respect them

Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it is surprising how many sales…

Why you shouldn't avoid unpleasant topics during a meeting with a prospective client

Does it happen to you that a meeting with a prospect seems to be going well, but you still fail to…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 381