Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Benefits brought by elderly sales people

We usually imagine the typical salesperson as a young man, ambitious and energetic. Older sales reps…

6 steps towards better discipline

Success in sales is always conditioned by the salesperson's systematization, high work ethic and…

4 ways in which a salesperson can effectively fight stress

Stress is the chronic disease of the 21st century and as a secondary trigger causes many modern…

5 tips on how to regain self-confidence during a sales plateau

No sales career is just a straight line leading upwards. From time to time, every salesperson…

Lacking energy? Try these 8 tricks for an energy boost

Sales and actively engaging in business activities might not go well if the salesperson is…

Networking: What it is and how it works

Czech has no direct equivalent for the English term networking. Put simply, it means establishing…

The 10 commandments of a successful salesperson

During the course of its existence, professional sales has developed certain rules that draw on the…

4 reasons why it is important for salespeople to keep learning

The new year brings new initiatives, plans and strategies, and in the case of salespeople new goals…

Practical manual for salespeople to learn persistence

Often the only difference between a successful and unsuccessful salesperson is persistence (or the…

Listing 154 to 162 out of 204