Manager – management news

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What will happen when we no loger have to work?

Intelligent machines change and improve our lives in many ways. However, given the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it's high time for us to start…

TÜV Report 2018

The safest and the least safe cars for 2018

The Mercedes SLK, Volkswagen Golf Sportsvan and Mercedes-Benz B Class are…

Tips from an FBI expert (1/2): You can't achieve anything without trust

We are currently confronted with a great crisis of trust among people,…

Going digital: the journey may be bumpy because of middle management

When it comes to staff resistance to digital changes, middle managers are…

The world's best performing CEOs in 2017

The best CEOs in the world entered their positions at the average age of…

Executive sponsors (2/2): Win their support – and use it well

In the previous article we saw why an executive sponsor is needed. Now: how…

A fundamental shift is coming: A single holistic network

The Internet of Things will connect every person and every thing into a…

Executive sponsors (1/2): Why project managers desperately need them

Senior leaders must support their project managers. An effective, engaged…

Study: AI to outperform people within 45 years

The 4th Industrial Revolution and associated job losses have been…

The economy of tomorrow is emerging: What does it mean for education?

Change on a broad scale is needed in order not to let those who have…

The future of jobs: mindset shifts

Work settings in organisations will have to become more agile, flexible and…

The story of a speech (1/2): What one nervous professor recalled

By taking into consideration the emotions of your audience, it will be…

Fixing a toxic team: you get what you tolerate

If backbiting and recriminations appear in your team, this brings many…

Listing 339 to 351 out of 984