Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Study: What kind of CEO is the best?

The question of what makes CEOs successful has been the topic of much research and many published studies. However, these have often focused on too limited a sample…

Study: Women on boards in 2017

The representation of women in the governing bodies of companies is still…

Millennials are neither lazy nor selfish

Millennials are people born in the late 20th century. Their generation is…

Artificial intelligence: the greatest business opportunity

$15.7 trillion. This is the value that global GDP will reach by 2030 thanks…

Board chairs in future will be a bit different

In future, it is likely we will see more women as board members. Technology…

How to become successful (and maybe also rich) through blogging

That you shouldnt cover your entire site with ads is a no-brainer: this is…

Board chairs across Europe (2/2): Shareholders and board meetings

British chairs invest much energy in relations with shareholders and the…

Siloes in companies harm the business (2/2)

The previous article described why it is important that every functional…

Don’t let good ideas die in your company

Good ideas should not be wasted. Beware of giving the impression that any…

Siloes in companies harm the business (1/2)

Each division should discover the same insight for itself? No, there is no…

3 steps for better cybersecurity (2/2): What follows the initial discussion

The previous article explained how, if you want to take cybersecurity…

How to lay off your colleague (2/2): Last steps

After you have delivered the news of the termination, your job isn't over.…

How to frame digitization: Mindsets are important

All companies will soon be engaged in digitization in some way. While Uber…

Listing 352 to 364 out of 984