Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Four steps towards speeding up a deal

A frequent problem when closing is a client who's taking too long to think it over. Customers that…

3 things you need to learn from a prospect for the successful closure of a deal

The ability to listen is essential for a business person. We all know that. But many salespeople do…

The customer is always right? Not really

Probably everyone knows the saying “the customer is always right”. In practice, of course, this is…

Some advice on how to sell anything to anybody

The best salespeople don't actually care what they're selling. Why? Because they can sell anything…

Rules of the first thirty seconds of a meeting

First impressions mean a lot and this also applies to business meetings. The outcome of a sales…

Mind your body language during sales meetings

During a business meeting (and generally during any human interaction), most communication takes…

4 basic types of closes

A separate chapter in business training is the art of switching from the presentation of your…

4 questions that should be asked at the first meeting with a client

Your task at the first meeting with a prospect is to offer a solution or sell a product. However,…

Do you want to appear confident and trustworthy? Mind your words

It's a well-known fact that the personality of the salesperson is much more important for the…

Listing 163 to 171 out of 381