Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

6 Tips on How AI Can Help Streamline Customer Service

AI is reshaping the world, including customer service. Artificial intelligence offers a range of…

Five simple steps to immediately improve your customer service

Have you become a manager of an ineffective customer service team? Or did you find out through a…

What customer service should not look like: Five most common and crucial mistakes

Managers responsible for customer service often can't make out that a specific problem is the result…

Personalisation: the key to effective customer service and satisfied clients

There has already been a lot said in our articles about the importance of customer service in…

Forbidden phrases: Six things a client must never hear from a company

Customer service is the showcase of every company, and the way customer service employees or…

5 tips on making your clients' lives easier

Many companies think about how they could best meet the demands of their clients and how to increase…

What (not) to do if you encounter an angry customer in customer service

This is a tricky question that has gone hand in hand with customer service probably since its birth:…

Four things modern clients expect from quality customer service

When it comes to customer service, it is always a good idea to stay one step ahead of your…

Do you want to have loyal and happy clients? Here are 5 things you can do to achieve that

There is no simple guide on how to be successful against your competition. The firms that are…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 324